• Athena Creamer posted an update 7 years, 4 months ago

    Aloha Everyone! I have been very depressed lately. I mean bottom of the barrel, underwater, can’t get out of my own way. My Biorhythms are all down at the same time, too. I don’t know if the daily Niacin (which detoxes metals) also detoxes antidepressants out of the body. Does anyone know? I may ask Dr. Cassar. I feel very unfocused, too, not like when I started the program. It could be because I’ve been eating a lot of candy (a craving for sugar means a craving for protein) and maybe the yeast, mold, candida parasites are steering the ship again. I’ve eaten no meat going on 3 weeks now, and I love that, but how can I get more protein??? MAHALO. Good to be back among Friends 🙂 Talk to me please !

    • Hi Athena. It sounds like you are going through a “healing crisis”, I suggest plenty of water and bed rest if you can. Congratulations on the 3 weeks no meat – probably one of the best protein solutions is the blue green algae, hemp seed, chia seed, quinoa . You can alway google non meat protein options. Based on all of the research that I have done I would suggest shying away from the soy based protein solutions, not that they are bad just I think there are less controversial options out there. Also, unless you are body building, based on the research that I have done, you are probably getting enough protein to maintain your system. I think the better question you might want to ask is were to get the amino acids needed for optimizing the body – the reason I say this is because from my understanding the reason our bodies need protein is so that that protein can be broken down into the amino acids our body needs. I hope this helps and I hope you get to feeling better. One more thing, make sure when you are taking the niacin that you are sweating and keeping your bowels moving (movement + fiber source + activated charcoal) – the niacin from my understanding releases the toxins from the fat tissue and if you do not get those toxins out of the body they will bind and be reabsorbed back into the body, fat material and brain and may be more difficult to release in the future. Until then I suggest 3 smiles to part of your body that is not feeling well and have faith in the invisible that you are ok and that “this too shall pass”. Peace, Christopher

      • 🙂 🙂 🙂 😀 Christopher, you are a Godsend. Thank you so much for kindly taking the time to reach out to me with all this advice. I will google non meat protein options and amino acids, too, and be sure to increase water uptake. I have been invited to my first 90 minute Swedish massage and sauna this month, too 🙂 The ferments seem to have corrected my longtime problems with elimination (and for that I am happy). I was getting my roasted seaweed snacks from Korea but since there seems to be an awful lot of spectacular cannons going off over the sea probably polluting it with all kinds of toxins (hopefully not radioactivity), I maybe better look to another source! I know you meant blue green algae, though, and I didn’t know it contained protein. For someone who used to consider herself a gourmet cook, it is an adjustment to stop using meats altogether, but I know it’s better. Went nutzo with chocolate today. REally bad. I must get the carob/coconut oil/splenda recipe from Dr. Cassar. Life is to short without “chocolate” and its a great mood/brain booster. I made spaghetti with green peas for protein instead of meatballs this evening, topped with melted mozzarella. Pasta raises serotonin levels and maybe so does Quinoa. Mahalo for your kind words, too. 🙂 Much appreciated