• Athena Creamer posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago

    ALOHA! Remember when I told you guys that I made some Plum ferment and was going to try it? Well, it’s been 3 days and I filled up a small pint size jar. Picture this. You have a can of Plum soda (no such thing) which you dropped in the grocery store parking lot. It rolled around but you pick it up and take it home. After all that shopping, It’s hot and you’re thirsty so you remember you have Plum soda!!! Your tall glass of ice is all ready. But, you can’t get it open for some reason, so logically you take the heavy butt end of a knife and rap it sharply. POW!!!!!!!!!! Fling Fling Fling FLING!!!! The top blows 10 feet straight up and collar falls on the floor like a horseshoe. It fizzed and popped for a long time. I had a spoonful and it smells and tastes DELICIOUS! (I used magnet water, a cut plum (to fit in jar), some red grapes, sugar and some of my handy dandy bitter orange ferment. TRY IT. Just use a big Mason jar and leave some room above the water for fermenting action. MAHALO!