• Rafal Dyrda posted an update in the group Group logo of Dr. Robert CassarDr. Robert Cassar 7 years, 9 months ago

    I combed the shop and cannot seem to find the tools to cleanse the skin (spoon like tool) that Dr. Cassar used after the sauna. Could someone kindly help me find it? Thank you so much.

    • I was noticing that it looks a lot like a shoe horn.

    • Rafal, I looked online for you and saw some shoe horns (also called shoe lifts) made out of buffalo horn. I don’t know how you feel about it being made from an animal. I couldn’t find any jade or stone ones like Dr. Cassar uses. I’m pretty sure my Dad had a shoe horn made of wood. In the Dollar Tree, I saw a long wooden backscratcher (the type that has a little hand on one end) that had a shoe lift on the other end. If it has a smooth edge it may work. Please let me know if you find something better. Athena