• cleansedandfree posted an update in the group Group logo of Dr. Robert CassarDr. Robert Cassar 8 years, 6 months ago

    Dear Dr. Cassar, First of all I would like to thank you for your tremendous work for making it possible to truly educate ourselfs. Opening our eyes to the real cause of illnesses and showing us how to cleanse and heal. And mostly for all the devotion and passion you dedicate for changing peoples life.
    My question would be regarding ketogenic diet as you said it is essential to maintain a clean body and not to feed glucose to parasites anymore.
    How much fat to be consumed daily/g and it’s sources. How much protein can I take from green powders daily/g and any other sources. I went through the videos but I didn’t fine any titled regarding this subject. If I did missed please tell me it’s title to watch.