• Bruce joined the group Group logo of Dr. Robert CassarDr. Robert Cassar 8 years, 8 months ago

    • Dr. Cassar, first off thank you for all you have done and do. just finished an eight day water fast. you mention on one of your videos that you used to had bags under you eyes, and that you cured it. I have not found anything so far with that information as I too have bags under my eyes. could share that info or let me know which video might have that info on it. thanks again.

    • I’d be interested as well Bruce. I think just continuously upgrading what you are doing will help. Also get more sleep.

    • thanks Travis. funny you should say get more sleep. while I was fasting one night I did not sleep the whole night. then tonight again I could not sleep. mind just wouldn’t stop planning and sorting etc. this is new to me. I’m thinking my mind is being freed up now as well.