Shankar_Baba_Laba_Aloha_Mango posted an update in the group Dr. Robert Cassar 9 years ago
Hello I am new here. I made a group about Electro Sensitivity. I hope it is adequate. I did not find any other groups directly about that subject. I hope Dr. Cassar is good with that and that people would join the gruop. I am considering to come for a 21 days program on Hawaii, I am quite sure that wii and smart meters etcetera are not used on the premises. Is this a correct assumption? Or is it possible to have a shielded room for accomodation so wifi is not on during the night at least? And this is the link to the group, everone interested please feel free to join. And Mahalo for the oppurtunity to be here. I am norwegian btw 🙂