• I would also like to know the answer to this. Am I missing something here on the message boards? Is it very inactive or am I just not in the right section or something? I been drinking BGA for over 2 months now atleast a nice big 32oz a day, I wish I could “feel” its affect alittle more, but for now im just enjoying it to keep me hydrated and waiting some positive effects.

    • I hope your in the right place. I would love to learn more about this as well. Perhaps if we start add to the discussion Dr. Cassar may chime in and let us know what he has experienced. I was fascinated the first time I saw his blue green algae water, as before I ever heard of Dr. Cassar I was went to Scripps institute in San Diego and went through the Marine Biology Lab where I observed the experiments of harvesting fuel from algae, this fuel is derived from the fats the algae produces and makes an incredibly efficient high quality clean burning fuel which they are actually testing to run aircraft carriers. Can you believe that? Incredible. It was very very interesting and from the data presented their by very high level intelligent scientists I thought this would be a mainstream fuel supply by now. Some time later I came across Dr. Cassars videos and the logic behind making the BGA brew made sense as the way fuel is harvested from algae in labs is by creating a bio reactor which continually regenerates the algae. Now what I am not clear about is if the powdered algae we can buy is like a “seed” which propogates and grows its own kind when brewed and if it is creating the essential fats necessary to supply fuel to our mitochondria. However I don’t think it would take very long for any of us to find out if we had any knowledge of how to set up a small home algae growing system, which I think takes certain amounts of oxygen, temperature etc. Not sure what is happening when we put it in the fridge, however there is certain research regarding algae’s blue pigments and the ability to regenerate stem cells.