• vfitazurdia posted an update in the group Group logo of MMS ProtocolsMMS Protocols 10 years, 3 months ago

    I have been doing my research on the mms protocol and i am curious if anyone here can provide some inside as to what they did to start off. I am considering purchasing the solution but not sure if i want to be the chemist and mix all my ingredients from scratch starting with sodium chlorite and adding a fruit acid/vinegar or purchasing the cds already premaid (whiCh is what Im assuming CDS is). I watched the video on Jim humbles site where he shows how to make the solution (updated version) And it doesn’t look that hard. Looks kinda fun actually. But anyways i have been researching the different protocols depending on what the disease is and so if anyone can share a bit on this it would help. Thanks

    • I have used MMS on and off over a few years. I worked with the old version MMS and citric acid and as I was traveling in the Caribbean I took the drops every so often. I did the progressive protocol where I increased the dosage daily and did get to a point I felt nausea (I was trying to get rid of candida at the time) . Hard to say if it helped or not. More recently my husband felt like he was coming down with dengue which he had a few years ago and I suggested he take the tables ( equivalent to 3 drops of activated MMS ) and he had to take them every hour for 8 hours. He felt better with the first pill and was done with feeling bad by the end of the day. He never knew if he had food poisoning or dengue but I would say the MMS helped.