• Nannette Watson posted an update in the group Group logo of Supplements for Health and HealingSupplements for Health and Healing 10 years, 4 months ago

    Has anyone used diatomaceous earth? I was wondering if someone could help me out. Does anyone know how Dr. Cassar says to use it? I want to take it internally. Would you take like a teaspoon in a cup of water, mix it up and drink it or would you let it settle to the bottom of the cup and just drink the water on top of it? What is the best way?
    I am drinking it for the silica so hopefully it can help my hair grow any more supplement suggestions for this?

    • I have been taking it for a few months, my nails are stronger and hair grows a little quicker, I usually take a heaping tsp in a cup of purified water, stir it in and drink it quickly, there is always which looks like a few grains of dirt at the bottom, which is good since I don’t care to drink that, ha ha, I may take it 1 or 2 times a day everyday or skip for a few. On youtube Dr Cassar has so many videos I have been watching for about 2 years, one thing is good but combined with some of his other suggestions even better

    • Dr. Cassar also lists Fossil Shell Flour or “DE” as an optional ingredient in his breakfast tea recipes. Meaning you can just add it to smoothies also. I think the most effective way to use DE is in the “morning clean out” drink he makes though.