Kevin posted an update in the group
Supplements for Health and Healing 11 years ago
To say I take “a lot” of supplements would be an understatement. After discovering Dr. Cassar a few years ago, I began a crusade that continues to this day. Over the course of my journey, I have spent hundreds of hours researching and have tried numerous supplements; kept some and discarded others. It has been quite an education.
To start off our new group, I would like to share one supplement that has made a huge change in my life. Namely, ever since I started taking Vitamin D3 in sufficient quantities, I stopped getting sick. While everyone around me succumbs to the annual flu or seasonal cold, I just keep chugging along. I have not had a sick day at work for over two years.
What works for you?
Lately, I’ve been taking Dr. Patrick Flanagan’s Megahydrate and Crystal Energy. Talk about cleaning you out. And also if you’ve been doing a lot of detoxing, the Megahydrate does an incredible job neutralizing toxins that get released and the Crystal Energy helps flush you out
Gary thanks. How often should I take it? Three times a week forever, would that be ok to take to help keep the parasites away. It seems like I remember Dr. Cassar saying that he didn’t take DE everyday. Would it be just too much for the body? I have dogs and cats and I feel like I probably have them. DE to kill parasites and give my body silica for hair growth sounds like a win-win product.
Wow, you really use DI. I just took my first tablespoon of it today in a cup of water. Hope it helps my hair and kills parasites. I also put some on my dog for fleas.