• Jacob posted an update in the group Group logo of Long Term Terrain ModificationLong Term Terrain Modification 10 years, 8 months ago

    Hi everyone, my intention for starting this forum is to find out if anyone has been successful with long term terrain modification/veganism without the use of supplementation (creatine/tribulus/vitamin B) or as Dr. Cassar is recommending fertile eggs. The focus is on maintaining strength and muscularity. I was not able to maintain my muscularity and power after a year/year and a half of vegan terrain modification. Recently, Dr. Cassar and I did an interview discussing this topic as well as other topics. I’m very much looking forward to hearing other people’s experiences of what they are doing not just what they heard of other people doing. Please see the link for the interview https://eartheracademy.com/interviews/

    • This is awesome man, because I’ve been terrain modifying for the past year and a half and still have yet to get to a point where I have gone vegetarian/vegan/raw.

    • Actually, I was wondering, where do you get your creatine supplemenets?

    • Hi Steve, thanks for your question. I get my creatine from GNC, nothing fancy. Regarding your post on not yet getting to the vegetarian/vegan stage, I’ve decided to reintroduce fertile eggs into my diet. I had great success with them prior. Fertile eggs have creatine in them. It’s crucial that you buy fertile eggs instead of other standard eggs. I found it challenging to maintain optimum physical vitality on a strictly vegan diet. I’m not aware of anyone who has successfully been able to terrain modify without some short of creatine. I would like to know if anyone out there has had success beyond long distance athlete types who are usually very skinny. At this point, I think it’s important to have organic non-gmo foods and not focus on being “vegan” or “raw.” For me, the focus is to have vitality and not being stuck under a particular dogma which is how I look at the terrain modification program. Make substitutions when necessary.

    • Oh really GNC? That’s good to know, I wasn’t sure if there was a specific like “organic” source. I know Dr. Cassar has talked about getting some on Earthshift Products, but that hasn’t happened quite yet.

      I agree with you though, I think having high quality ingredients in the food you eat is more important than just subscribing to one diet type over another, which is why I still occasionally eat meat and cheese and things.

      I need to figure out a way to make it easy for people to know there are new comments and things happening inside these conversations so they they can join haha

    • If you want the organic source, the only source I know besides eating grass fed beef or bison is organic fertile eggs. But if you are wanting to transition into not eating meat, fertile eggs was the way I went.

    • Just to give everyone an update. I tried putting fertile eggs back into my diet thinking that it would help with athletic performance. I ate three eggs two days in a row with my dinner. My initial concern was my digestion with eggs but I didn’t have any digestive problems after being on a vegan diet for a year and a half. The thing I noticed the most was that my body started to feel similar to the way I felt when I was eating animal flesh (i.e. muscle pain, achy). Needless to say I’m back on 100% plant based diet with creatine and amino acid supplementation. The muscle pain and aches have stopped.

    • I actually just bought some fertile eggs this week to see how it would make me feel. Definitely a change up from eating the same exact meal every night, but there’s something about eggs that just seems so plain, even as an omelet with peppers, onions, etc. What are some things you would eat with your eggs?

    • I can’t remember any recipes. I usually ate eggs just by itself for with bell peppers and other veggies.

    • Personally I have found that eggs work best with hot sauce, ghee and or sauerkraut.