Who Am I and Who Am I Not

Who Am I and Who Am I Not

Robert CassarAddictions, Blog, Free, Intermediate, Parasites, Philosophy and Parables, Plant Based Diet 2 Comments

“Who Am I?” and “Who Am I Not?”

It’s really a joy, a breath of fresh air and easy to find out the big question: “What We are Not” or “Who am I?”

This is video that has to do with deeper layer of thought and philosophy, actions and reactions.

We all have a choice to push our heads in the sand or to wake up to the next quantum leap of awareness and evolution.

Would you like to find out “Who You Are Not?” Does this idea ring a little bell of childish curiosity in your body and mind?

When we find out who we are not then we are open to find out more of whom we can be or should be more like.

There is so much to see and learn – the truth, lies, secrets and deceptions of the past, present and the future times to give us a better moral compass on where we all need to go to survive and thrive in the now future.

As they say: “Truth is in the Eye of The Beholder

There are hundreds of great revisionists to learn from – Here are a few of them:

Be skeptical but open minded :))

Seeing another real-ity does take submission and courage at the same time.

Evolution is the key.

So much to learn and teach :))

There are literally 1000’s of great researchers, documentaries, lectures, workshops, philosophy out there to share with us with much knowledge. We all need to learn how to navigate our past, present and future.

It’s all free on the Internet and YouTube. Spending time and paying attention is the key to growing.

One of these day I hope that many more of our species will want to engage in becoming an “Evolution-ary-ist” or “Evolutionists”.

There are so many videos right now being excellently created by people called “Re-visionists” of many areas of the past, present and future.

So, view them with caution because you may get a headache or feel nauseated to see, feel, hear and touch another reality.

If you don’t want to navigate or change your reality, then please do not explore knowledge.

Don’t be-LIE-ve anything! Be very skeptical – that makes you a great researcher.

Evolution is the key to our survival and one the most important evolutionary steps is to clean up our bodies and our minds.

Are You Ready For This Evolution?

If we are not then all species are condemned to be doomed, as we can easily see, that we are on a straight crash course to destruction of all life and more suffering for all.

It’s easy to see if we all need to rise up to the next layer of Evolution and really change our ways to a more Earthly Aware and Conscious Steward of the Land and all Sentient Beings.

Let’s all wake up to to start the Journey of Health, Wealth, Happiness and Evolution.

When the body and mind has been cleansed, rebuilt and upgraded we start to see really clear, and we can start to make discerning decisions on the present and future times.

Learn the Terrain Modification Protocols, Practices and Principles here on Earther Academy.

Many of the products you will need are Wholesale at Earth Shift Products Worldwide Shipping is always available.

Hope you enjoy this Who Am I and Who Am I Not Video :))

Dr. Robert

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Comments 2

  1. I got an email to view skin cleansing using Lugol’s solution and iodine. I clicked on it and got part one, which did not explain the Lugol’s/iodine protocol. I have been trying unsuccessfully to watch part 2. I would like to see part 2 because I have the items listed to perform the protocol. Is part 2 not available to my membership category?

    1. Post

      Aloha Charles, Here is where you find part 2 if you are a paid member. If you are not a member this is where over 300 private videos of many of my own personal protocols and used by 10’s of thousands of people for over 30 years over the world.

      We grant you back all tuition’s paid in credits to products that you may want to get to add to your detox and rejuvenation tool department.

      Distilled water machine is a must in my book. So when you get the chance get one .. its the best 1st stage to get … we all need clean water.

      The cost of the membership is 120 dollars for 6 months and then after that 10 dollars if you choose to stay.

      We have these protocols on Earther Academy because they are too sensitive for the YT public population of rules and regs.

      Keep enjoying the journey,

      Dr Robert


      PS:These protocols work wonders for sure. Start slow and its all an experiment so learn and watch the protocols I have done to modify to your own liking.

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