The Power Of The Sun

The Power Of The Sun

Robert CassarBlog, Beginner, Dr. Cassar's Personal World, Free, Gardening and Sprouting, Philosophy and Parables, Sun Healing Leave a Comment

The Power Of The Sun – Our “Sun” – the brightest star in our sky creates warmth, all life as we know it, all the air we breathe and feel, and rise to all other life support systems all creatures need to sustain life.

In this video we are going to talk about many areas of the sun’s potentials to use for many types of free energy and vitality. We can use these to grow plants, clean our clothes, power our homes with solar energy, sanitize our bodies, produce the D3 vitamin, gives us the colors we see with the “Sun’s Invisible Plasma” and so much more as you will see.

So, lets learn a few essential free tips and parables we can use the sun’s free power to give us a better and more vital life.

The more I understand and experiment with the sun I understand the usefulness, and the suns unknown potential powers for me to use in my daily life.

If we start to understand some of the uses of the “Power of Sun“, then we live a much healthier, happy, fulfilling, purposeful, spiritual and better life in so many ways.

Sanitizing, cleaning or refreshing my clothes, bed pillows, comforters, my total body, heart and mind gives me a happy felling in the Suns power. I get super grounded from the sun’s energies to reset from wireless technologies, reprograms my cells with new information called “Solar Intelligent Plasma” and a new mind software program that connects me back to nature with complete respect to the animals and all life.

I will show you our Garden plants and soils, and relate them to our intestinal garden of soil/plants and bad bacteria/parasites that is 80-90% of our immune systems.

The sun lets our 5 Sense Reality (or our highly tuned sensors) See, Feel, Hear, Smell, Sense, Touch and Understand using the sun. We call this miracle and reality “Consciousness”.

One of the miracles of life is the “Sun’s Illumination” since everything in this reality does come from the sun’s light, resonance and power.

The sun gives us everything we need to survive. It is a wonder why the ancients gave so much wisdom to follow, because ancient scriptures give homage to the Sun. Many of the highest form of God was the “Sun” or the “Most High”.

As they have said through many ancient texts – the “Sun” AKA the “Lord of Light” or “Christos” gives us all the life giving creational force to grow and reproduce.

The Moon (as some of the ancient texts call Satan or the Dark Sun) decomposes all life when it is finished with its current life stream or physical carnation. Duality at its best… One gives life and the other decomposes it.

We need the suns plasmic rays indirectly into our eyes at least 1-2 hours a day if we want to stay somewhat healthy, happy and vital.

The sun makes us feel very happy, and without sun, or just the night of darkness, it can make us feel very depressed, scared, unfulfilled, frustrated or agitated.

As they say: the full moon pulls out all of the crazies and the sun lets all of the love shine through and through.

Try wearing your sun glasses to a bare minimum, or throw them out like I have done over 15 years ago.

The Sun is pure recoding software information for all of the creatures who live in our physical form, and formless 3-4D realities.

Learn the Organic Gardening Techniques and Courses for either your small planters, or make an intelligent organic garden so we can get a glimpse of the miracle of life and produce the best nutrient dense, chemical free, live, real food you have ever had.

Recommended Courses and Categories: Stimulating Your Hormones, Parasites, Rebuilding The Gut Wall Flora and Rethinking Reality.

How a plant grows from a tiny seed to maturity, and then reproduces itself in thousands of copies is very interesting to say the least.

Before going out and following the “Sun Bathing” protocols and courses, I would strongly recommend you look into and learn/practice the Skin Cleaning, Detoxification and Rejuvenation courses as well.

Now you are ready to soak up some of the completely free rays or plasma form the sun. I have learned how to receive some of the “Love” from the Sun – are you ready to give it a try? :))

Hope you enjoy this “The Power Of The Sun” Video 🙂

Dr. Robert

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