The Antidote to Sickness and Disease
The Antidote to Sickness and Disease – Do you know the “Antidotes” to Self Repair your Sickness, Body and Mind Dysfunctions?
Do you know the “Secrets” to stay healthy, wealthy, happy and wise?, and do you know the “Protocols” to self detoxifying and rejuvenating yourself?
These are some simple thoughts/questions I want you to ponder before you become sick or sicker. Once you become sick and get on the medical hamster wheel it will not be able to take self responsibility into action.
The overall theme of this philosophical course is to understand that YOU are the only one that is going to really take care of yourself on a day to day basis.
Definition of Antidote:
A noun that comes all the way to us from the ancient Greek word antidoton, which means “given as a remedy,” an antidote counteracts or relieves the negative effects of something. You can find antidotes to poison, anxiety, sickness, sadness or even a bad day.
Definition Sickness:
Unhealthy condition of body, emotions or mind : the state of being sick-tired-irrational.
So, it’s best to start to learn and practice a smart lifestyle practice NOW instead of backpedaling when you get sicker than you are already.
How Do You Know If You Are Sick?
Taking any prescription medications of any kind, overweight, can’t sleep, stomach/intestinal and digestion problems, mentally depressed and confused, physical pain, lazy/tired, hyperactive, parasites – most likely you are on your way to become even more sick and tired.
I personally have healed/cured my many sicknesses and dysfunctions that I acquired in my life practicing the protocols that I share on Earther Academy. “Self Responsibility” is one of the main tenants of Terrain Modification’s protocols, practices and principles that we share.
So, in other words “YOU” are really the only “Antidote” to your sicknesses and dysfunctions that you will accumulate, and most likely “YOU” are the sole cause of your sickness and dysfunctions as well.
Terrain Modification has over 50 departments to learn and practice and will definitely enhance, upgrade and optimize your life in many areas for sure. We have so many informative courses for you to watch and get inspired by in our Courses Department.
All you have to do is start your journey which is the key to your success.
Recommended Courses and Categories: Getting Started, Achieving Optimal Health and Advanced Awareness, The Antidote to Body Fat and Toxicity and Earther Kitchen.
Hope you enjoy this “The Antidote to Sickness and Disease” Video :))
Dr. Robert
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