Sunbathing Naked w. Dr. Robert Cassar

Sunbathing Naked

Robert CassarBlog, Beginner, Free, Getting Started, Philosophy and Parables, Skin Cleaning, Detoxification and Rejuvenation, Sun Healing, Tip of The Day 4 Comments

Sunbathing Naked – If you have not had a real Mind and Body Vacation in a while then I am going to show you how I take my “BEST VACATION EVER!”

Sunbathing Naked sounds a little weird, but it’s the best and cheapest way for you to get back some of your vitality in the mind and body very quickly, and virtually free, for all that wish take their clothes off in the Sun.

This is the best vacation ever for sure ( as you will see ). This therapy is open to all that have money or not…

Let’s say you have all of the money in the world, or you are just a simple “broke minion / mind slave” of survival trying to find a meal on the street.

The “Suns Illumination”, it’s genius knowledge and loving rays are totally free for all races, creeds, religions etc.

How to use the suns rays and potential to raise, not only consciousness but to heal the sick and raise the dead, is the theme of the sun.

One of the major dysfunctions in our society is that we have lost our ways to simplicity and rationality.

Make sure you learn the skin / pore cleaning detoxing / rejuvenating protocols, practices and principles before you go in in the sun :))

At Earther Academy you can get the advanced protocols and principles.

Your skin and vitality hormones will love you for sure.

Most men and woman have lost their testosterone from having toxicity in many forms that have taken away the hormones of life.

Skin Detox and Re-lubricating products for Recipe:

All products can be purchased wholesale direct-non diluted and concentrated products from

If your skin is thick, hard, wrinkled, sagging etc. is most likely because the skin / pores are clogged and the hormones are lacking for sure.

You can see more videos about Sun here:

Hope you enjoy this Sunbathing Naked Video :))

Dr. Robert

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Comments 4

    1. Post

      Aloha, If you do nt have any sun then it would be a great idea to get into a tanning bed … We all need to get Natural made D3 … Get the way that you can for sure.

      The newer ones are quite good compared to the older ones they used. Clean the skin well with the vodka mineralized solution and then lubricate up with the coco oil and magnesium minerals

      :)) Dr Robert

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