Skin Cleaning and Detox Philosophy
Aloha all, Ask yourself the big question :
”When was the last time you really cleaned your skin and pores and removed all of the dead skin/parasites/chemicals/oily greasy dirt/grime deep in the pores/etc?”
Give you a hint … soap and showing with water doesn’t take off these substances hardly at all so if you are not using these proven skin protocols then most likely your effects where very minimal.
One of the biggest Booby traps I see most consistent disease
( clogging of the skin and pores) and in most people have this plugging and the toxic effects of the clogging of our skin and pores.
What a medical discovery to learn how to clean, detox and regenerate the skin and pores.
This disease or condition is very easily solved by learning and practicing the ”Skin Detoxification/Rejuvenation principles and protocols”
Sickness mostly comes to us when we get plugged/dry/toxic and our internal flow or liquids in us all do not circulate effectively to filter out all of the contaminants so the parasites cant move in and take up residency. Parasites like dry/dirty/toxic/etc biological terrains.
The more parasites and poisons that we all accumulate in our daily lives is astounding when you find out that many of the parasites are in our pores and on our skin. I call these the ”Extra-Terrestrial Parasitic Aliens that live on our skin and pores.
If you have not yet learned and practiced the skin cleaning, detox/rejuvenation principles and protocols at www.eartheracademy.com then most likely you are plugged and are harboring billions of bugs or micro invisible creatures not only on your skin but deep inside the pores, eye lashes, ears, scalp, hands and feet.
Not only are there micro-creatures in the pores and on the skin but there are many toxins, chemicals, feces from the microbes living inside of us defecate and urinate through our skin and we sweat this through our pores and causes a yellow/green tinge on the exterior of the skin. This is very easily seen when you clean one part and not another. The yellow – green color comes off with the scrubbing techniques and then pink healthy clean skin and pores shines through with vitality and smooth as a new born babies skin.
We have literally 10’s of thousands of people around the Globe that have praised the positive changes in there life by ”Learning and Practicing” the ”Terrain Modification” Protocols and Principles. There are over 30 departments to learn and practice.
Out of the 30 departments we have one of the first protocols I would learn are the ”Skin Cleaning/Detoxification/Rejuvenating Protocols” is the easiest and best practice anyone can do.
The skin protocols .. You don’t even have to change your diet if you choose not too…
Learning the cutting edge elixir recipes for the vodka is the first start. We have all of the undiluted full strength skin minerals, dissolving and washing agents that we add to the vodka to make this antidote for most micro parasitic .
Everything in Life is all a ”Work in Progress”.
You are what you ”eat, drink, say, hear and do” so be conscious of that.
En-joy :)) Dr r
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