Pineapple Kombucha Live Ferment Drink
Pineapple Kombucha Live Ferment Drink with Probiotics and Organic Sugar along with a Beautiful Raw Food Vegetarian Dinner.
Pineapples are the king of tropical fruits. It’s no doubt a really super tasty fruit, but did you know that it is full of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and C, manganese, copper, potassium, beta-carotene, folic acid and dietary fibers?
I like to only eat the while pineapples, because they are less acidic on my teeth and mouth and they have more prolific live enzymes, and taste so much better as well.
Pineapples are loaded with enzymes; One of the powerful enzymes in pineapples are known as Bromelain.
Many scientific studies show that bromelain is a natural anti-inflammatory agent and super cleans the intestinal tract, as well as a great diuretic and full of life force. Bromelain digest proteins, so this is a great intestinal cleanse because it can digest a lot of the old intestinal debris from flesh and processed foods.
Please also see: Intestinal Parasite Pineapple Cleanse Recipes.
Remember, you can keep reusing the original pineapple brew daily for at least two weeks to 1 year from the skin/rhines.
When I get down to drinking just past the 1/2 way point of the brew, I then reload with more: Organic Sugar, Ionic Minerals and Living Silica – to make a new batch in a day or two. For the old brew to kick start the next batch all you need to do is add some organic sugar and minerals.
Here Is The Simple Quick Recipe:
- Fill a 64 – 128 oz Mason Jar glass container with pure steam distilled or RO water.
- 1-2 oz of Organic Sugar.
- 1-2 tsp of Living Silica.
- 10-20 drops of Concentrated Ionic Magnesium with Trace Minerals.
In 3-4 days you have a Super Probiotic Healthy Detox Nutritional Brew!
I drink this on an empty stomach in the morning as soon as I get up, and in the evening before and after my dinner. If I am hungry in the day I drink a few sips of this live brew and this cuts off any stomach hunger 🙂
My dinner that I am going to show you is from our “Raw Food Chef” Daniel Lewis, who is one of our retreat “Rejuvenation Engineers” at the Earther Academy Fasting Retreats’ in Hawaii.
He made the us fantastic Vegetarian Beet Burgers with Hummus Paté and collard greens, and a homemade Mineralized Dressing.
Also, I am going to show you my Earther Kitchen with all of my Heirloom Nutrient Dense Superfoods I use daily in my kitchen.
Enjoy your journey and have fun making these Live Ferments and Superfood Combinations that will upgrade your life force and vibrational energy levels for sure.
Once the body starts to harmonize at a higher level of vibration and energetic order, you will then experience a new beginning in the form of consciousness or awareness.
My Favorite Live Pineapple Mineralized Kombucha Recipe.
I make it a little different all the time, but this is my favorite quick ferment recipe for sure 🙂
I use all of the pineapple skins from the whole fruit – the sides, bottom, tops and even the core.
The skins and the core are full of the enzymes that make this fermentation very fast to ferment, compared to other ferments we share with you how to make yourself. You can always freeze the skins and use them when you want to in the future.
- Only use glass – 1/2 to 1 gallon glass container with a good non toxic top. I like to seal the jar so nothing can crawl or fly into my brew.
- Add at least 2-3 cups of pineapple skins (preferably add the skins to the middle of the jar size used).
- 1/2 cup of fresh sliced Organic Ginger or use 1-2 level tbsp of Earth Shift Products Organic Ginger Powder.
- Add 1 capsule of 100 Billion Live Cultures Probiotic. This is to add more strains of good bacteria to your brew (not necessary but very beneficial to add a variety of good bacterial strains).
- 2 heaping tbsp of Organic Sugar (sugar feeds the bacteria to replicate). The bacteria will eat the sugar until there is zero sugar in the ferment jar. The bacteria will not die – they will just lie dormant until the sugar is gone and until you feed them more sugar to replicate. So, this brew will last for years on your counter, and will not go bad unless it is compromised with bugs or outside pathogenic mold, fungus or bacteria. So, keep the lid on tight 🙂
- Concentrated Ionic Magnesium with Trace Minerals – Use 40 drops per gallon, or 20 drops per 1/2 gallon.
- 1-2 tsp of Living Silica.
- Fill the glass jar 1 inch from the top of the jar. Use only distilled water if you can or the cleanest water you can find.
Then shake well and put on the counter – not in the refrigerator. These good bacteria like it at about 85-95 degrees in order to replicate.
Optional: 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper or 1-2 red hot organic chili peppers.
The first time you make the Pineapple Kombucha it will take about 3-5 days to fully eat all the sugar up and ferment. It sort of tastes like bubbly weak beer when the ferment is completed.
I like to refill the ferments jar when the liquid is half way finished. Then, just simply add more water, 1-2 oz of organic sugar, 20 drops of minerals and 1-2 tsp of Living Silica. Usually, the refilled ferments grow extremely fast and consume all of the sugar added in a 24-30 hours.
So, once you go through your first half batch, always keep refilling it and drink this consistently. It really is a life changer to drink all of this live food. To speed up the fermentation process make sure your ferment is not in the cold or refrigerator – I always just leave my brew on the kitchen counter.
You may want to also add some of your other ferments to add to the fermentation, and more varieties of bacteria such as: 2 tbsp of Kombucha or other Live Ferments that you wish to add.
Adding more ferments is not necessary, but I like to mix them all up to add to the variety of bacteria I am growing. You can re-use this ferment for years just by adding more distilled water, sugar, minerals and silica
Recommended Earther Academy courses: How To Make Organic Live Mineralized Kombucha, Superfood Condiments of Vitality, Ferments, Transitional Superfood Meals for Vitality and Earther Kitchen.
Hope you enjoy this “Pineapple Kombucha Live Ferment Drink” Video :))
Dr. Robert
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