My Bathroom Travel Essentials

My Bathroom Travel Essentials

Robert CassarBeginner, Earther Bathroom, Free, Getting Started, Healing The Mouth, Home and Living 4 Comments

My Bathroom Travel Essentials that I always take with me to stay Healthy and Wise while Traveling.

Traveling on airplanes, hotels, fluoridated / chlorinated showers and eating out at most restaurants are quite toxic indeed.

When I travel I get poisoned by all of the assaults I do not have in Hawaii, and my personal household.

I am going to give you a few ideas to think about when you are traveling, or just at home for your personal bathroom.

Some of these ideas may help you with navigating many of the hidden booby traps.

I feel I get very toxic, and feel and look like have aged about 10 years in 3 weeks when I go visit my family in California.

Here are some of the reasons I get run down and feeling sick when I am visiting Southern California every year.

The population of Los Angeles County is 9,862,049 and for Southern California the population is 18 million. Total population of California is 40 million people.

Anywhere you have these densities of people you get all of the pollutants, garbage, waste, RF and Wi-Fi ( Wi-Fry ) frequencies that come from all of these assaults together all at once.

In my opinion, all cities with density are very toxic indeed. We are just used to all the pollution’s, and we don’t realize we are accumulating toxicity all of the time.

The more we accumulate various toxicities the worse we feel emotionally, physically, mentally and ethereally.

Some ideas to ponder:

  1. I don’t sleep well because of all of the RF’s – EMF’s and Wifi – I am not used too. How do you sleep?
  2. I eat much different and more frequent when I travel.
  3. I have to drink bottled water instead of steam distilled water.
  4. The public water supply is very toxic and full of chlorine / fluoride / chloramines and many other toxic contaminates in public water from the pipes etc.
  5. I eat everyday from my organic garden with a large bowl of live greens daily. I try to buy from the farmers markets but they are hard to find real organic farmers. So, Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods are my only real options when I travel.
  6. Chem trails spraying – Toxic car / industrial pollution is everywhere – Higher than normal background radiation assaults – air quality is terrible compared to Hawaii.
  7. Constant air pollution from the cars and so many people in one area.
  8. Massive RF – microwave – EMF’s – ELF’s and many more invisible and very damaging electronic smog. I could not get out of the WiFi signal unless I went on a hike in the mountains.

You can’t see this pollution but it is everywhere due to of all of the people using all forms of computer generation. There are many more assaults but these are a few.

So, I have learned to take some of the Bathroom Travel Essentials when I am not at home, to lessen the poisonous assaults I am not used too.

All cities are very toxic and you have to become very smart on how to navigate some of these assaults correctly, or in time we all get sick and toxic.

I felt sick and tired the whole time I was there visiting in California.

I am used to living in such a pristine area in Hawaii, and I was hit hard by so many booby traps and everything I am not used too.

So, you really have to be smart to live in the Mainland because of all of the hidden pollutants.

Here are some of the recommended “Essential Traveling” products I bring with me always.

Coconut Oil, Ionic Magnesium and Silica ( to eat and use on my skin ), Lugol’s Iodine, Fulvic Acid, Living Silica, Copper Tongue Scrapper, Floss, Shower Filter, Essential Oils, Cacao Butter ( for shaving ), Clean Soap, 3 flavors of Organic Liquid Stevia, Toothbrush with protective cap, Sodium Bicarbonate, Activated Coconut Charcoal Powder, Organic Unsmoked Yerba Mate Tea, Camu Camu Powder, Ultimate Green Protein Meal Replacement, MSM Powder.

I also bring all of the ingredients to make my Breakfast Tea Meals, Cacao Beans, Maca, Chlorella Powder, Blue Green Algae, Hibiscus Flower Tea, Hemp Seeds, Sole Salt or Himalayan Salt Crystals, Psyllium Husks and Chia Seeds to give you a few ideas.

All of the products recommended are available at discounted pricing at – free shipping for all new customers.

Earth Shift Products always have “Free Shipping” promos for USA, and we also ship worldwide.

I recommend everyone to learn and practice how to “Clean, Detox, Re-Lubricate and Protect” the skin and pores while showering with public utility water.

Learning the Skin Cleaning, Detoxing and Re-lubricating Protocols is a must while traveling. I use these products on my skin daily.

We have so many cutting edge ideas on “Terrain Modification” in our Courses Section.

Our prime directive at Earther Academy is to: Upgrade, Enhance and Optimize our Health and Wellness Evolution.

Hope you enjoy this “My Bathroom Travel Essentials” Video and keep enjoying the Journey :))

Dr. Robert

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