Earther Academy
Athena Creamer posted an update in the group Dr. Robert Cassar 7 years, 8 months ago
Dr. Cassar, ARE THESE NUMBERS BAD? Android Users! I found Ultimate EMP Detector, a free App on Google Play. My side of the bed with the 1990 LED Stereo clock radio is 86 microTeslas. Husband’s side with 2 chargers, Smart phone, and a LED clock is 120. The WIFI box is at 130. The highest reading in the house is right between the Smart Refrigerator and Normal Oven and aimed toward the Wifi box two rooms away at 220 microTeslas. I’m not sure what these numbers mean in terms of safety or danger on a health scale, but no where in the house is a low number! I think I found one place that was 70 and that was in a bathroom where nothing was charging.
GUESS WHAT. My husband’s favorite place to sit in our living room to watch TV is showing 300 microteslas! The penultimate in our whole house! Maybe because he is sitting over a cell charger, has a land line on either side of him, a reading lamp, his cell phone, 3 remotes, is 15 ft. from the Wifi box and of course the 40 inch tv is 12 ft. in front of his face. Behind the wall he sits in front of is a lamp and all the fields in the den which sounds (to me) like a field of crickets. I tell him to UNPLUG whatever he is not using but he tells me that he knows better than I do and that unless the device is ON, it’s “not drawing current.” I told him he is sitting in the Cancer Seat. So he tells me that I am worse because I have earbuds in my ears all the time.