• Kishalom. Thank you for participating. I have been a fan of Dr. Cassar for years but only recently joined this community. I have most of his products. I make kombucha and kefir as well as probiotic culture according to Dr. Cassar’s instructions. I also try to drink Dr. Cassar’s Liquids of Vitality. My husband and I are looking to purchase a sauna and follow Dr. Cassar’s protocols.

  • I have started a week ago my transition from vegetarian to vegan. I also have started my first batch of sunflower seeds sprouts and garbanzo peas sprouts in hemp sachets . Very excited for waiting on my first earth shifts products order. Need more vegetarian dishes . Trying to educate my teenage son on this path.

  • Staan posted an update in the group Group logo of Dr. Robert CassarDr. Robert Cassar 8 years, 5 months ago

    Hello 🙂

    I’m french and i don’t speak english very well, but I’ll learn to eat correctly and have a good lifestyle so if it’s possible I’ll like to speak with anothers members in french or english in skype, facebook etc for improve my understanding ^^
    Thx for your future reply and have a nice day.
    Staan 🙂

  • Tom posted an update in the group Group logo of WATERWATER 9 years, 1 month ago

    The Water of Life

  • Maji is a feline who was brought to me 2 years ago via my landlady who found her at a park. I found the original owners of Maji and they did not want her ~ hence, she joined my family. She had extreme abuse issues from the people she lived with before ~ have been working with with her via good diet, lots of love/cuddles, flower essences…………………and their have been…Read More

  • I sungaze every day during my morning walks. I like to be on the trail during the first 30 minutes of the sunrise. I stop a few times and sungaze (glasses off) for 5 to 10 minutes. While sungazing I am deep breathing through my nose while being a in mindfulness state. I know of no better way to start my day and really feel great after each sungazing.

  • Understanding Lugol's Iodine and B Vitamins In this “Understanding Lugol’s Iodine and B Vitamins” video course we are going to talk about some of theRead More

Copyright 2016 Earther Academy
Site by selane.io

The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Robert Cassar and Earther Academy Research Institute, LLC. and/or Affiliates, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Robert Cassar and Earther Academy Research Institute, LLC. Dr. Robert Cassar and Earther Academy Research Institute, LLC. and/or Affiliates encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.