Traditional Refried Beans and Live Purple Mineralized Hummus
Aloha all, In this video 2 BLACK/PURPLE BEAN SUPER-food RECIPES. One that is cooked and one that is alive.
Do you ever notice when you eat beans of just about any kind of legumes, rice, seeds, nuts etc most people will get indigestion and could have very bad gas and a feeling of bloating, constipation or even diarrhea.
Part of the problem is the way they are prepared. We are going to show you several ways how to make. I make regular cooked and live ”Beans” turn into super healthy alternative and tasty beyond imagination.
Its super cheap to make you only need a few dollars in beans.
Invest into an Earth Shift Kitchen and Household. So you can make 100’s of these non GMO heirloom super-foods recipes.
Most of the ingredients are at www.EarthShiftProducts.com
This is one of my favorite recipes to prepare purple or heirloom black beans.
We are going to show you 2 super nutritious recipes.
#1) recipe is the ”Traditional Re-Fried Style” mineralized cooked beans
2) This Recipe is a ”Live” Raw Purple Bean Mineralized Super Hummus.
The #1) Recipe is full of traditional bean flavor but we have added the full spectrum minerals, silica and some other goodies to make this recipe into a super recipe… ( W/O the gasssss…. ) Full of nutrients and flavor that can be made as a soup or used for burritos or other recipes.
2) This recipe is a totally live mineralized super hummus. We use the same batch of soaked beans and then transform this same sprouted purple beans into the medicinal hummus it becomes. Full of cheesy tasting flavor.
With these two recipes you now have the best of both worlds. There really good to mix them together or add them to you salad or as a side dish.
Traditional style cooked mineralized beans and medicinal live Hummus will be the hit at any party or household … for sure.
Enjoy :)) Dr r
Google: Dr Robert Cassar Fermented
This will give you a variety of fermented veggie, fruits and many others.
This is one of the healthiest ways you can add to your diet. We are farming bacteria here. We started with a lot of very mature fruit and or veggies to make this pro-biotic brew.
We have all of the ingredients wholesale direct via the internet at www.earthshiftproducts.com Make sure you read the label on the foods you eat.
Just remember this concept: Your gut Wall Flora are more important to keep healthy than you going to work, the relationships with anyone, eating correctly or even exercising.
Your Gut Wall Flora are totally responsible about 85% of our immune systems come from the healthy gut. Make a super pro-biotic and change your life for the better.
Learn the ferments and learn the Terrain Modification Protocols and principles www.eartheracademy.com
Everything in Life is all a ”Work in Progress”.
You are what you ”eat, drink, say, hear and do” so be conscious of that.
En-joy :)) Dr r
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