Deep Skin and Pore Cleaning and Detoxification with Ramses
I am going to be talking to a retreat participant from West Africa called Ramses. Ramses is 56 years and traveled about 24 hours to come to the detox retreat in Hawaii. Ramses accomplished a 7 Day Water Fast and did a variety of detoxification therapies we call “Terrain Modification”. Later on in the video, after we start to sweat, …
Fasting Interview With Steve Opaugh
Aloha All, In this interview with 57 year old Steve Opaugh, Dr Mari Sawaii and Dr Robert Cassar we are going to talk about Steve’s experience after spending 21 days at the Hawaii Terrain Modification Retreat. Steve talks about his adventures with 10 days of water fasting, 5 days of fresh coconut water, re-feeding with heirloom superfoods/juices and the medicinal …
Overcoming Lyme Disease and Miraculous Recovery with Anita
Overcoming Lyme Disease and Miraculous Recovery with Anita Incredible “Sickness to Health” Interview and Workshop. Do you have “Lyme’s Disease?” or a “Parasitic / Toxic Blood Disease?” You would be surprised how many people have these toxic tiny parasites in their body’s and minds. Anita has volunteered to participate with our Hawaiian Detoxification and Rejuvenation Sanctuary for over 3 months. …