Overcoming Toxic Parasites and Mind and Body Detoxification
Overcoming Toxic Parasites Interview and Body Detoxification Workshop with Lance. This is a great video to watch on Lance’s journey – Overcoming Toxic Parasites Interview and Body Detoxification Workshop.
How would you try Overcoming Toxic Parasites?
First of all, you have to know that you have these toxic parasites before you can want to release them from which they came. And, remember body fat is a live toxic parasite that feeds off of low level fuels like carbohydrates and all types of sugar .
Most of these low level microbial and visual pathogens or parasites feed off of the excess, or extra non needed fuels, that we eat and do not use.
Most of these parasites are caused by our feeding habits and toxicity levels.
How would you like to disconnect a large portion of the parasites that are controlling your mind and body?
Lance is going to tell you his courageous story, and then in part 2 we are going to do a hard core scalp and body cleaning.
I can’t believe how much debris we pulled out of him wait until you see!
How would you reduce your toxic parasitic and toxicity loads? Internally and externally ?
Listen to this very informative video on how some people are “Terrain Modifying” themselves into a Healthier, Younger, Faster, more Flexible, Quicker and Smarter / Aware Being – “New Self”.
The main event of these teachings are to decrease the toxicity levels and the pathogenic microbial levels at the same time.
There are many people that do have very inspirational stories to tell you, that may help you in your own personal inspiration of your future new story or life for sure.
In part 2 “Body Detoxification Workshop” we are going to do Gwashing on Lance’s full body but really specialize on the face and skull.
Lance and millions of other men and women have loosing / balding / thinning of their hair. Lets take a look see what is living in the skin and pores of the scalp.
Toxicity, and what I call “Pore Pus” – “Plastic” – “Parasites”, or just Super Toxic Debris on the scalp and just underneath the Skin an Pores.
Hair Mites, Mold, Fungus and Chemical toxicity are the usual causes of the hair loss in men and women.
Starting our “1000 mile journey” is the key to starting this “Evolutionary” Journey / Sojourn / Path of the personal responsible self.
Lance came out to participate with us for the 21 day detox and rejuvenation Hawaiian vacation from the East Coast.
He has been a Fireman for many years in the line of action, and has accumulated much toxicity from his line of work. Just normal living too in the city which is super toxic as we all know so well.
We all accumulate toxicity and parasites.
This is a very informative video for you to watch and maybe give it a try. Practice is the key to learning… So, practice well and learn well :))
When is last time you have cleaned the body and all the filters that go with the body/mind?
It is actually unusual to see this amount of garbage or toxicity come out of the pores so easily. Lance should feel proud and humble that some of this debris came out of him easily.
I actually got sort of nauseated to see this toxicity come out of him. This is one of the best detoxifying sessions I have had in several years!
Once the body and the mind becomes soft and pliable, then the toxicity and or contaminants along with the parasitic load come out of the body because they are not welcome any longer.
This is an intermediate and advanced course only because the body is ready to release the baggage that is holds that is plugging up the body’s and the minds.
We are going to use a variety of solvents for dissolving. Some Solvents / Minerals or agents are for dissolving, washing the body’s / minds of its DE-accumulated toxicity / contaminates / parasites and then to make space for re-nutrification and re-mineralization.
Some of the products used in these videos are Raw Organic Coconut Oil, Fulvic Acid, Living Silica and Pure Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate Mineral Oil Spray.
Hope you enjoy these ‘Overcoming Toxic Parasites Interview and Body Detoxification Workshop’ Videos :))
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