Introduction To Lymphatic System Detoxification

Introduction To Lymphatic System Detoxification

Robert CassarBeginner, Exercise, Stretching and Movement, Getting Started, Hormones, Intermediate, Lectures, Lymphatic System, Sauna Detox and Gwashing, Workshops 10 Comments

Introduction To Lymphatic System Detoxification – Primary Elimination Channel for Detoxification. The Lymphatic System is one of the chief and primary filters/cleaners of the body/mind which is very important to keep clean and free of debris.

The Lymphatic System is the king of detoxification and help us stay young and healthy. If you are overweight your lymphatic system is definitely clogged and sluggish to some degree. The lymph system is the drain to the body’s filters that clean us daily. If these filters are clogged we get toxic and sick very easily.

Introduction To Lymphatic System Detoxification

Even if you are overweight by 15 pounds, that most likely means that your lymph/immune system is weak and clogged (there are about 240 million people in the USA are 15 pounds toxic or overweight, and 100 million obese people in the USA).

I have personally lost approx. 40 pounds of body fat or contaminates, parasites, toxins and just plain clogged debris in my body and my mind.

Loss of flow to these very important filters can leave you with a variety of sickness and dysfunctions both of the body and mind. Once the lymph get plugged the body becomes acidic and very toxic, and that’s the perfect weather for sickness and disease.

Toxicity, chemicals, pesticides, plastics, parasites, calcium oxalates that find their way into all areas of the body etc. clog the lymph system’s ability to have optimal biological function.

Part 1 (50 mins) has many visuals added to learn about the miracle of the lymphatic system.

Part 2 (1hr 52 mins) is a hands on visual workshop using various deep tissue lymphatic techniques with the 21 day retreat detoxification and rejuvenation participants in Hawaii. We will go through a variety of different ways to start to soften and break down the accumulated debris and toxicities.

Definition of “Lymphatic System” from Wikipedia:
“Lymph is the fluid that circulates throughout the lymphatic system. … It is generally similar to blood plasma, which is the fluid component of blood. Lymph returns proteins and excess interstitial fluid to the bloodstream.”

Organs of the lymphatic system include the Tonsils, Thymus Gland and Spleen.

We will discuss several very important topics, and we have added many visuals for you understand better how the lymphatic system moves liquids throughout the body. There are Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced protocols to learn and practice.

Introduction To Lymphatic System Detoxification

One of the most important areas to learn is to soften and return the lymph and other connective tissues back to a more flexible condition.

Multiple techniques are needed to restore normal flow and health of the lymph filters. Rebuilding the body and mind is one of the worthiest virtues anyone could have.

There are so many chemicals and poisons in our world, so it is time to learn where these hidden toxicities are in our households, foods, drinks and environment. Negotiating the toxicity is the game at hand – clarity comes to a clean “Body and Mind”.

Are You Ready To Renew, Reset and Rebuild Yourself?

Take the leap of faith and truth: living a non-toxic (or less toxic and) smarter life will positively benefit you in so many ways – more than you could imagine.

Lymph Capillaries In The Tissue Spaces

Recommended Categories and Courses: Skin Cleaning, Detoxification and Rejuvenation, Enemas, Parasites, Ketogenic Diet RecipesLymphatic System.

Some of my favorite products to help soften the lymph system: Organic Coconut Oil, Cacao Butter 1lb, Fulvic Acid, Ionic Magnesium Concentrate, Living Silica, Fine Ground Himalayan Salt, Jade Massage Tool Set, FIR Sauna, Distilled Water Machine.

Learning the Earther Academy Terrain Modification Principles is a must to live healthier in this world that is so dysfunctional and toxic.

You are what you “Eat, Drink, Say, Hear and Do” so be very conscious of that.

Hope you enjoy this “Introduction To Lymphatic System Detoxification” Video Course :))

Dr. Robert

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Introduction To Lymphatic System Detoxification Part 2

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Comments 10

  1. I was born with raging Lymphedema, weighing 9.13 pounds… this was in 1941 just before Pearl Harbor. So I finally found practitioners to help me melt the mucus and move the lymph! I regret my lowincome status prevents my membership, but it’s good to know this work is available.

    1. Hi Allorrah!
      Sorry to hear of your health issue, but I’m glad you found some help! Membership does have that initial expense, but the wealth of information you get is priceless. Additionally you’ll get access to content not shown to the public making it quite the value in the long run of things.
      In health,
      Dr. Bryce

  2. What is the name of the tool Dr. c was using in his video. I would like to buy one for myself. Is it on earth shift? I would like the one you hit yourself with. Rubber with the little porcupine spikes. Lol that sounds so funny but anyway I’d like to have one. Thx.

    1. I don’t have the exact name of it but you can hopefully find it by searching for body bonger, or bonger massage tool. I also recommend for lymphatic drainage a hand held massage rolling tool, as well as a rubber spiked massage ball.

      All the best,
      Dr. Bryce

    1. Post

      Aloha Karen,

      Go to the retreat tab and fill out the short form and we will send you information on the 21 day+ detox and rejuvenation retreat studies in Hawaii.

      We are starting up again October 1st – November and December for this year for small groups of 6-8 participants.

      :)) Dr. Robert

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