Heart And Kidney Organ Soup

Heart And Kidney Organ Soup

Robert CassarAnimal Based Diet, Beginner, Ketogenic Diet, Recipes 2 Comments

I am going to show you the recipe I learned from my visit to the Amazonian Jungle to re-nourish the body with a variety of organ meats.

The medicine men/women (or shamans) of the Amazon use many of the forest leaves, bark, herbs, spices, all parts of the animals (nose to toes) and creatures of the river for their nutritional needs, as well as for their medicines to support alleviating malnourishment, sickness and disease.

This unique “5 main ingredient medicinal recipe” combines several different highly nutritious grass fed organ meats of a healthy animal to provide ultimate regeneration nutrition to a sick or malnourished person.

Can Eating A Healthy “Liver” Help Rebuild A “Sick Liver”?

The organ meats of “healthy raised animals” are packed full of a variety of essential minerals and micronutrients including, but not limited to, vitamin A, D, E, K, folate, iron, all of the B vitamins and their derivatives with many essential nutrients and compounds that make up super nutrition, with a variety of organ meats that are from healthy pasture raised or wild animals.

As we know, many diseases can be caused by malnourishment of the body. People who eat the Standard American diet (SAD), fruitarians, vegans and vegetarians are usually deficient in many areas of essential nutrition.

Review the Earther Academy video and the thorough description of: Catabolic versus Anabolic Diet to learn more about the different diets that the majority of people in the US are eating, and making malnourished or sickly.

Most people have never heard of food that can detox or cleanse you – “Catabolic” versus foods that can rebuild/grow you – “Anabolic”.

Ideas And Concepts To Understand To Support Rebuilding The Organs

The medicine people understand that eating the heart muscle, testicles, intestines, spleen, kidney etc. will support the rebuilding of the organs eaten.

The basic philosophy and understanding of the eating of organs, the medicine people living in the Amazon jungles know that eating the specific organs of a healthy animal transfers the lack of nutrients back to the person consuming the specific organ consumed, back to the body and that specific organs to strengthen the weak organ.

In other words: the complete and entire nutritional status of the organ consumed returns the nutritional organ’s compounds back to the organ of the person who consumed the organ.

For example; the healthy and strong “Liver (organ)” from a healthy animal when eaten has all of the bioavailable constituents to rebuild and nutrify the weak or sickly liver of the person consuming it.

This same concept and idea can be said that the kidney, heart, spleen, skin, brains, arteries, muscles, ligaments, testes, intestines etc. all have the exact organic compounds that have been created and synthesized by another healthy creature or being of a similar biology.

Ingesting the compounds of the healthy organs of animals will in return feed the organs and all of the compounds on the person eating them.

Beef heart over white background
Beef Heart

The Beef Heart weighs approximately 5-7 pounds.

Just a short time ago; the older generations of people from around the world always ate the organ meats as the prized nutritional part of the animal, for dense nutrition and longevity.

Eating the entire animal was the best way to stay healthy – “Nose To Toes” was the idea and concept less than 100 years ago, to get all of the nutritional components needed for complete nutrition (no supplements necessary).

In this recipe we are going to use several organs from pasture and grass fed/finished cows all  together, in a healing soup recipe.

We will use the liver, heart, kidney, muscle meat and tallow/kidney suet I get from our local butcher shop for all less than $2.00 a pound.

The shamans used this combination of organ meats to stimulate and feed the heart, liver, kidney with suet all mixed together, either in a soup or ground up finely into a hamburger meat. This combination of organ meats has been used for hundreds of years as a medicine for healing the sick and malnourished patient.

Parasites are also a definite culprit stealing bioavailable nutrients and blood directly from the host.

If the body’s organs are malnourished, the body becomes weak and frail; this invites parasites into the body.

The typical nutritional and healing treatment for severe malnourishment was just to eat this soup 2 times a day with ½-1 gallon of clean water and a dash of sea salt throughout the day, and in between meals.

The organ meat soup is a staple to many families of the jungle tribes, who know about the super nutrition in these organs to keep their families healthy.

I was told they make the organ soup 1-2 times a month as a staple part of a general nutritional maintenance.

What Are Organ Meats?

Organ meats are just about everything in the animal but the muscle meat and bone tissues. Organ meats could be the heart, liver, spleen, blood, pancreas, thyroid, kidneys, brains, tongue, eyes, penis and the testes of an animal.

Sliced Beef Kidney
Sliced Beef Kidney

What Are The “Organ Meats” Sometimes Called?

Offal is the word that describes the organs or entrails of a butchered or processed animal. The word “offal” sounds like the word “awful” to most people. When we are talking about “offal” parts of the animals this is referring to all other parts of the animal besides muscle and bone tissues.

Offal may also refer to the end or by-products of milled grains, such as corn, wheat and legumes.

Organ meats are still very popular in Asia and Africa. Eating organ meats are less popular in the United States and Canada, but you can find meals made from these meats every now and then in rural markets.

If you ask your local butcher, they can usually order the organ meats, or sometimes they will have grass fed organs in the freezer. There are several farms on the internet that will ship you grass fed organs and meat.

You can even buy grass fed organs in capsules that have been – not cooked, dried/desiccated on the internet if you don’t like the taste, or cannot get fresh organs.

See Recommended Products links at the bottom of this description for grass fed organ capsules if you are squeamish on eating them.

Differences Between “Grass Fed and Finished Cattle” Versus “Conventional Raised Animals”

First of all, the best way to raise any animal is in a natural green grass pasture and a spatial environment.

If the pastures are the correct size for the animals, they have plenty of room to roam. Grass fed pastured cows are never crowded and are eating fresh live green grass while out in the sun grazing up to 10 hours a day.

Most cattle are first raised on pasture grass, until they are ready to fatten them up conventionally with moldy grains sprayed heavily with herbicides, pesticides, sub standard GMO feed, antibiotics for sickness control, hormones to grow the animals faster/bigger and various vaccines are used in a standard feed, processing and finishing lots.

Conventionally raised animals that are fed “GMO Moldy Grains” are heavily sprayed with herbicides that can/will produce estrogen in the fat, as many studies have shown in animals, fish, amphibians and birds who will become sick with the mycotoxins and have their hormones imbalanced by the estrogen mimicking compounds in the moldy food.

Animals being fed soy and other phyto-estrogenic grains; will have higher levels of estrogen found in the marbled fat in meat, thus adding to the estrogen content of the foods you are eating.

The animals are usually given daily antibiotics in the food to support counteracting the toxic mycotoxins. Estrogen is produced by the mold contaminates and infects the animals’ reproductive capabilities with estrogenic bound compounds that will be deposited in the meat when eaten.

Review the Rethinking Reality Estrogen Fed Society to learn more about the estrogen in our foods and drinks.

Does Moldy Grain Increase Estrogen In Animals?

“Besides disrupting the HPA axis and affecting hormones indirectly, toxic mold exposure can have a direct effect on hormonal receptors throughout the body. Studies have shown that many different mycotoxins either mimic or block the receptors for hormones including estrogen, testosterone and thyroid hormones.” – src: Can Mold Affect My Hormones?

Another interesting article to browse on mold/mycotoxins and illness: https://www.truenaturehealthconsulting.com/blog/mold-mycotoxins-and-illness

Organic grass fed and finished are not supposed to use any antibiotics, hormones or vaccines when raising the animals. The animals are fed from start to finish with live grass from the large pastures they roam.

In my opinion; conventionally grown animals are not healthy to eat because the meat is toxic with residues of chemicals, pesticides, herbicides and hormones, especially estrogen.

If you can eat only organic, pasture raised and finished animals, that would be the best. Make sure the meat is not toxic conventionally raised which are infected animals, which will transfer the toxic compounds in the meat and fat to your body.

How Conventional Beef Is Raised

Most cattle are grazed in the early months of development with live grass from several pastures. They will graze on grass pasture until it is time for them to be finished (fattened up) and then butchered.

Conventionally raised beef will usually be given antibiotics in the feed fed to the cattle while in the fattening stage during its life, to keep it healthy. Most conventionally grown cattle will also be given a steady supply of hormones to increase its size very quickly and efficiently.

Injecting The Ears Of Cattle With A Mold Pellet To Fatten Them Up

Instead of a liquid injection with a syringe, many farmers drive a steroid-loaded pellet or “implant” between the skin and cartilage of the back of the animal’s ear.

Interesting article on Hormone Implants in cattle: The way some meat producers fatten up cattle is more bizarre than you might think.

When it is time to finish the cow, they will be transferred to a crowded feedlot area that doesn’t allow the cows to move much. This is the time that the cattle will be fed a diet of specially formulated grain feed until it is ready to be butchered.

Feedlots are usually always very dirty, unsanitary, dry, dusty and are very unpleasant for both the animals and those that work with the cattle daily.

Feedlot and conventionally grown meat, in my opinion, are the bottom of the barrel meat. The animals become fat, lazy, irritable, sickly and are similar to a person with diabetes or obesity.

The animals are living with billions of flies constantly on the animals, chemicals being sprayed everywhere to kill the flies and bugs from the un-sanitized feedlots. The animals are usually on dry or muddy dirt full of feces and urine.

When I used to go to checkout and investigate the commercial feedlots years back in Bakersfield – the animals always looked to me like they were sickly and shouldn’t be eaten.

Pasture raised animals are healthy and happy to eat all day on the live green grass.

The conventionally grown animals are fed the bottom of the barrel, garbage moldy grains, a steady supply of hormones, antibiotics and highly estrogenic feed such as soy, wheat and corn laced with herbicides and chemicals.

The synthetic petrochemicals and mold that is in the cattle’s food make the animals toxic, sick and then we eat the animals or sickly flesh they make us toxic and sickly.

The simple idea and concept to understand is:Only Eat Meat from Organic Pasture Grass fed and Raised / Finished Animals“.

Review “Bone Broth Soup” Video Course

If you have not watched the video course Bone Broth Soup for Healing Leaky Gut and Intestinal Stress, please review the detailed description – lots of good info there.

In that video course, Mark and I will give you some great ideas on how to make this super delicious and highly nutritious soup to help re-nourish your most likely undernourished body.

This high protein and fat recipe is especially designed to support the healing of leaky gut syndrome, IBS inflammation and bad digestion.

The main reason it would be good to see the Bone Broth Soup video course is that you can use the same soup we made as the soup base to add to the Heart and Kidney Organ Soup.

Shaman Organ Meat Healing Recipes

This Organ Meat Healing Recipe can be made in a variety of ways with similar nutritional benefits. If you are wanting to heal your gut I would recommend not adding or using any grains, nuts, seeds, greens, veggies, spices and garlic in the soup or your diet.

I have removed mostly all fiber (98%) from my diet to help my gut heal and to make sure I get the best absorption and digestion of the food I eat. Fiber does not break down and must be excreted through the intestines via the colon.

Dr Paul Mason has an excellent few short lectures for you to watch and learn more on fiber and also saturated fats.

From Fibre to the Microbiome
Saturated Fats are Not Dangerous

Nuts, grains, seeds, veggies and spices, including garlic, are ingredients that can upset the gut immensely, especially if you already have an inflamed intestinal tract. Removing all of these foods and spices from my diet helped me immensely with lowering my gut inflammation.

Recommendation: Do not use any hot sauce or chilis if you have any intestinal and digestive issues.

Just eating the fat and protein in the soup will help heal up the intestines from stopping the irritation, by removing all of the plant compounds that can be very irritating to a gut that is already inflamed.

I have learned by trial and error how to heal my gut issues over the past year. If you are really wanting to heal the gut and get maximum nutrition; don’t forget to remove all grains, nuts, seeds, raw veggies and raw greens from your diet, until your gut issues have resolved.

It took me about 6-8 months to resolve my intestinal issues I was having for several years on the plant based diet.

Dr. Robert Cassar's 1 Year Healing And Transformation Diet
Dr. Robert Cassar’s 1 Year Healing And Transformation Diet

Watch the video on my 1 Year Healing and Transformation Diet – gaining 25 pounds of solid muscle with an anabolic diet and intense exercise 3-4 times a week.

The most important part of the soup is to make sure that you eat what you’ve created slowly, and chew everything to mush before you swallow.

If I am having a large bowl of this soup; then dinner may take me about 25-30 minutes to finish, chewing my food into a masticated liquid – see: Chewing Food Correctly To Repair The Gut.

Try to eat slowly and let the food trickle into the gut, instead of gorging yourself quickly. Always chew the meat into small pieces – the size of a grain of salt or sand. This will help with the digestion and absorption of the fats and proteins.

“My suggestion is to not drink any liquids with your proteins and fat meals. The pH of the gut needs to be a low acidic value of about 1.5-2 pH to get maximum breakdown of the fats and proteins. I will not drink any liquids with my meal and after my meal for at least 1.5-2 hours.”

If you eat fiber with your meals you will also decrease the strength of the HCL in the gut and possibly absorb many of the fats and minerals instead of digesting them.

Creating The Quick Version Of This Recipe

If you are looking to make a quick version of the organ soup meal, the easiest way is to use a pre-made base of any type of organic soup – vegetable or grass fed meat based, and then you can sauté pieces of tallow, kidney, heart and if you have some grass fed liver it’s always a great idea to mix that in the soup as well.

Kidney Suet Beef Tallow
Kidney Suet Beef Tallow

Heat up some beef pieces of tallow on a large hot skillet. I usually cook the tallow for about 3-4 minutes first to brown the tallow and to have some of the fat turn into a clear oil for the meat to cook.

Beef Tallow or Kidney Suet on Stovetop
Beef Tallow or Kidney Suet on Stovetop

Cut up the organs into small 1 inch pieces, then add them to the hot tallow until they are browned and cooked medium well done. Flip them all over every few minutes until they are browned, and make sure you don’t overcook them.

I like to use medium sized pieces of beef tallow/kidney suet just with himalayan salt to sauté the various organ meats.

I like to add ½ of a medium sized organic purple onion while I am sautéing the meat, this will add to the flavor of the meat and give a beautiful home cooked meal scent to the house.

IMPORTANT: Only use good clean salt . I like to use 1-2 tsp of sole liquid Himaylan salt or 1-2 tsp of granulated Himalayan salt to add the soup. I would recommend using Himalayan salt instead of just sea salt.

The salt from the Himalayas come from an underground mine and is not subject to all of the surface pollution and shipping fuel oils. Himalayan sea salt is full of a broad spectrum of minerals.

Once the organ meats are sautéed and cooked to a medium well done, it’s time to add all of the ingredients to any base of hot soup to make a super nutritious, delicious and bioavailable meal.

Don’t forget to watch the “Bone Broth Soup” recipe we used as our base soup, and then added the organs and tallow to make our bone broth organ soup combination.

Bone Broth Soup For Healing Leaky Gut And Intestinal Stress
Bone Broth Soup For Healing Leaky Gut And Intestinal Stress

Another simple and easy way to make this meal is to just cut up the organs and tallow into equal parts, similar to small domino sized pieces. Brown the organs in the tallow and Himalayan salt so they are medium well done.

If you are having any intestinal or digestion issues I would recommend not using any other spice other than a healthy amount of Himalayan salt. This organ soup meal takes about 5-7 minutes to cook, and you will have a “super nutritious gut healing and easy to digest meal”.  I usually have a large bowl of soup as my main meal of the evening when healing the gut.

You can either cut the organ meats into small pieces and fry them in tallow/suet/Himalayan salt and eat the organs without the soup. Dip them in some sauce, or the preferred method I like is the soup because I feel the soup is much easier to digest, heals the gut issues more effectively and is much more enjoyable to eat and sip the broth of the soup.

I like to make a large caldron of soup of about 6-8 quarts, so I can have a large bowl (16-32 oz) of healing soup every night for the next 3-4 weeks.

Freeze what you cannot use within a week or so. The soup will surprisingly stay fresh for 10-12 days in the refrigerator.

If you just have a bowl of this soup every night, you will significantly lose weight and support healing of the gut in 30-60 days.

Another method is cooking the soup with the organs and letting it simmer for 6-24 hours. Just cut up the organ meats in equal amounts of the heart/kidney/liver/suet/muscle meat and add to the recipe with the Bone Broth Soup.

Longer cooking will support pre-digesting the organs better, thus releasing many of the minerals, vitamins and other compounds in the organs into the soup. When we make the Bone Broth Soup I simmer the soup for at least 18-24 hours.

Many people who are sick do not have a good set of teeth for chewing the meat, or any food for that matter. If that’s the case then either mash the organs or run the soup through an electric mixer or blender. The finer ground the organs are ingested in the stomach, the easier it will be to digest them.

Healing My Gut Issues  

This type of high protein and fat soup helped to heal my inflamed gut dramatically, and really helped get my digestion back to normal.

To heal my gut issues I removed as many oxalates, lectins, goitrogens, phytoestrogen, and anti-nutrients such as phytic acid to name a few.

I would have 1 large (non-oxalate) meal a day/once every 24 hours and give my intestines a rest from food for the next 24 hours, drinking a gallon of distilled water the whole day until I eat dinner once again.

Like I said,  If you are overweight and need to lose some pounds, eating one large non-oxalate meal a day and a gallon of distilled water throughout the day will help you dramatically reach that goal.

This recipe will keep fresh in the refrigerator for several weeks or you can freeze a portion of the soup to use at a later date.

Use the soup as a partial meal to add a variety of super nutrition to your main dish, or use the healing soup as the main dish to support the healing of the delicate lining in the gut.

Recommended Courses and Categories: Making Sashimi and Eggs Lunch, Liver and Onions Pate, 4 Organ Hamburger Meat For Healing, 10 Ways to Protect Yourself from Biological Attacks, My 4 Day Workout Routine and Rethinking Reality: Suggestions And Warnings On A Plant Based Diet.

Recommended Products:

Hope you enjoy this “Heart And Kidney Organ Soup” Video Course 🙂

Dr. Robert

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Heart And Kidney Organ Soup

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Comments 2

  1. Hello Dr. Cassar,

    I appreciate the work you do and would love to attend a retreat. Are there going to be retreats this year? I have applied multiple times but haven’t heard from you so I figured I could reach you this way.


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