Exotic Watermelon Detox Smoothie
Exotic Watermelon Detox Smoothie – This is my best all around great tasting detox smoothie. These types of meal replacements are called “Superfood Smoothies of Vitality”.
I’m going to give you an idea of what you add to this great tasting superfood detox smoothie. This is 1 of 100 recipes you can make with an Earth Shift Kitchen and your local garden.
Remember, this is a full nutrition meal replacement instead of your normal meals, that are usually cooked and full of chemicals, preservatives, bad salt, GMO’s, fake sugars, trans-oils or toxic cooking oils etc.
21 DAYS SOLID FOOD VACATION: I always recommend patients to use the “Liquids of Vitality” and “Superfood Smoothies of Vitality” for 21 days straight, or longer, to break away many parasitic programs we all have, and give your intestines a break from all of the toxic foods and debris you have accumulated.
This will replace your daily, not healthy food/drinks, hidden addictions from eating meat or flesh, processed foods, fast foods, sodas, candy’s, chips, etc. The 21 day smoothie and liquid fast is akin to an “Intestinal Tune-Up”.
This is a very simple “Solid Food Vacation” fast of only organic smoothies and a variety of super mineralized liquids.
The best part of this liquid fast is that you can have as much as you want – anytime you want 🙂 It is one of my favorite recipes when I grow, or the local farmers market has, organic seeded water melon.
This recipe is a super combination of Ionic Minerals, Organic Heirloom Superfoods, Probiotics, Oils, Plant Based Proteins and local in season Fruits and Veggies preferably out of your garden.
Enjoy this exotic food replacement meal packed with a variety of bio-LOGIC-ally available vitamins and minerals.
If we have sick or pathogenic bad bacteria in our guts then we are sick as well.
Exchange for one or two meals a day to give the bad bacteria/mold/yeast/fungus a break from breaking down dead lifeless foods.
I try to drink this elixir very slowly and swish the nutrients in the mouth for at least a minute per-swallow. This allows the saliva to wash the nutrients with your personal frequency or DNA signature to the foods, vitamins, good bacteria/bad bacteria and minerals so they are now surrounded with your saliva frequency or your unique DNA code.
This has been well known for many years, and some people call this pre-digestion. I call this to “Signaturize” your foods with your saliva for maximum absorption and bio-availability.
This smoothie is good for several days in the refrigerator; always try to drink 16-20 oz of mineralized (a “Liquids of Vitality”) water at least 10-20 minutes prior to your meals.
We live in Hawaii so it’s so easy to get inexpensive fresh veggies/fruits available all year long. So, you can use what you like to make this incredible meal replacement, and have fun combining what you have available.
Exotic Watermelon Detox Smoothie Recipe
Juicing Stage – Juice the following ingredients first:
- Organic Ripe Pineapple (use rind too as long as your juicer will let you. I also add water while I am juicing roots or not as juicy materials ie ginger).
- Organic Seeded Watermelon (use rind, seeds and white flesh).
- 1/8 – 1/4 of Organic Ginger or 1-2 tsp of Organic Ginger Powder.
- You can use a variety of veggies that you have available. If you’d like add Kale, Chard, Okra or greens of any type.
- Add a hand full of Fresh Organic Cilantro and/or Turmeric.
- 1 Organic Lemon (juice the skin too).
- 1 Organic Cucumber (use the skin).
Blender Stage:
- Add your prior juiced ingredients to the blender (I never juice a papaya or avocados because they don’t juice well and you waste a lot of it. So, these types of ingredients go directly in the blender).
- Use 1 whole avocado or 4 tbsp of Organic Coconut Oil. I use them together most of the time, and the oils are necessary for supporting the healing of the intestines.
- Organic Papaya (use the skin and seeds).
- 1-2 tbsp of an organic plant based protein powder (We have several Earth Shift Products Protein Meal Replacements).
- 1 tsp of Organic Vanilla Powder.
- 1/2 tsp of Organic Cinnamon Powder.
- 1-2 tbsp of Concentrated Living Silica.
- 20-30 drops of Ionic Magnesium Concentrate with Trace Minerals.
- 1 – 100 Billion Live Cultures Probiotic Capsule (open the capsule and pour out content).
- 1-2 small bananas for flavor.
Pour into a large glass or mug and add:
- 1-2 tbsp of Fine Coconut Shavings on top.
- Sprinkle Organic Goji Berries on top of the Coconut Shavings.
- Sprinkle Cacao Nibs, Golden Berries etc.
I like to eat this with a wooden spoon 🙂
This smoothie recipe makes quite a bit of a meal, and it will keep in the refrigerator for several days. Always store in glass and not in the blender.
Other Recommended Courses and Categories: Liquids of Vitality Recipes, How I Drink Smoothies and Liquids, Superfood Smoothies for Vitality, 21 Day Liquid Cleanse with Citrus Smoothie Drink and Earther Kitchen.
Hope you enjoy this “Exotic Watermelon Detox Smoothie” Video Recipe :))
Dr. Robert
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