• Athena Creamer posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginners - Advice neededBeginners – Advice needed 7 years, 8 months ago

    I came here to find out about Morgellon’s disease and watched 2 spa videos on the subject of getting rid of all parasites. I was hooked! My first step was to devour all the videos that I could that first night,then to make up my mind that the next day I was going to start water fasting. Meanwhile I made my version of the skin cleanser and bought some organic coconut oil and cocoa butter skin cream to follow the skin protocols. I struggled through the first two days of fasting and then it became a habit, but I had to sleep as much as possible. I remember feeling cold. It was so hard not to eat when the urges arose and I still had to cook for my husband. I really enjoyed the buzz of having something utterly new in my life. Even now, about one month and one week into the program, I am still excited to wake up. I started two ferments, orange and banana next and are keeping them going. I haven’t done a “dry, block fast” but an intermittent one with one meal per day, now meatless.
    My clothes started feeling looser (yay!) and I began grabbing excess flesh on my body and squeezing it hard. I bruised myself a little until I could figure out how much pressure I could take. My arms are tightening up and my belly, too! Still working on my legs at night. It’s easiest for me to do this part in bed. My skin is crystal clear, and even though I was extremely high maintenance and had hundreds of dollars in beauty products and perfumes, I don’t feel I need them. I’m facing the sun a few minutes a day and noticing nature all around me. And I’m really enjoying blogging about my experience with this wonderful program.