• Athena Creamer posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago

    Day 6, round 2. Nauseated and headache. I don’t think I’m drinking enough WATER. Getting off this rock and sliding back into the Ocean. Funny thing. There is a small lizard that somehow got into our house and he found a large stainless steel bowl with about a half inch of water in the laundry room. He’s in it with his head out. He looks just like a tiny alligator. He is trying to tell me something :))

    • Unfortunately what the little fella was trying to tell me was…Get me out of this bowl. (sniff)

      • I’m speechless. My little friend was smushed in the water by Mr. Snake Terminator. He didn’t drown. Moral: IF YOU HAVE THE CHANCE TO SAVE A LIFE, DON’T HESITATE OR IT MAY BE TOO LATE. I meant to take him outside where he belongs but thought he was enjoying the water, not that he couldn’t climb out of the big bowl. It could have been both. Made me so sad. My husband calls me a Tree Hugger because I won’t let him raise his voice around my plants.