• Athena Creamer posted an update in the group Group logo of Water FastingWater Fasting 7 years, 8 months ago

    Star Date 3, 2nd orbit around this 14- day fasting, watery planet, Earth. I have been in my sleep pod for 17 hours! Have to break out my NASA soda crackers so I can take my medication. Peace out.

    • WHY does every store bought container of water or juice come in PLASTIC nowadays? I could find nary a single one made of glass to store my water! Also food storage in the refrigerator and freezer is impossible without encountering tupperware, foil, plastic, plastic wrap, ANDEVEN petroleum wax paper! However! I did find that Mason Jars are good for storing my various waters, soup and salad greens with a dry napkin on the bottom and a wet napkin on top. Layer salad. I wonder if they make a bigger size. Must investigate. VOSS water bottles are even coming in plastic. I have bought their $6 water just to get the beautiful cylindrical glass bottle. They don’t take up much room in the refrigerator, too.