• swanstarr posted an update 9 years, 6 months ago

    Ive recently found out Ive been diagnosed with a rare form of myeloma, POEMS syndrome with even more rare blood make up, for a myeloma patient. I always wanted to be unique, but not so much that it kept me from receiving treatment or even the long decades overdue diagnosis of this terrible blood plasma monoclonal M Kappa”lambda ratio leading to a harsh reality of this proliferative overgrowth cancer cell disorder. Yet, Id do anything to find a cure and one that does not destroy the old me….the part of me that I do love! Chemo is sure to take away whats left of my health, and suredly remove anything left of my cognative, sensory, and other nuero brain functions. I am hopeful that this group might lead me into some basics on how to take care of myself well enough to get my bodies natural firing system to be able to not only jump start a new path, but to allow the natural healing processes to overcome how my strange genetic material is expressing itself, as of late. Please feel free to write to me and let me know if you or anyone on the this team has some answers, advice and can help me get on the super fast track to healing and a promise of a much better healthier life than I was ever able to accomplish on my own volition and determination. If you have any advise, paperwork, studies, or the like that will help me, very soon, please contact me, soon!!! Vanette Starr or swanstarr