Activate Your Enthusiasm And Inspiration With Real Cacao

Activate Your Enthusiasm And Inspiration With Real Cacao

Robert CassarMind and Brain, Recipes, Snacks Leave a Comment

Aloha all, This video is to give you a few ideas one of the things I do when I am in need of a boost of In-spirit-ation and En-thus-iasm. I am using the the sacred heirloom chocolate cacao . One of the best ways I activate my inner happiness and creativity.

Just to give you a hint NOT all cacao are not the same that is for sure. The heirloom chocolate I am talking about is the famed Arriba National Pure chocolate.

This species of chocolate is in very small quantities on the planet. it is said that there is only about 2% of al the chocolate that are of this ”Heirloom Medicinal Species”.
Most of the Cacao we buy at the store even the so called Health Food Store is the non heirloom or GMO/Hybridized CCN-51 varieties which is not even close to the variety of Arriba from Ecuador.

These varieties are to be void or have miniscule amounts of the ”Love Molecule” which is called ”PEA” or ”phenylethylamine” which when taken with a MAO inhibitor which chocolate has already installed by nature for us to process the PEA.

PEA can be used by the brain/Heart energy fields to give a fulfilled feeling of happiness, joy and bliss. This is truly a wonder food for making the mind and body become exhilarated with the PEA stimulation.

The GMO or Hybridized chocolates do not have this anti depressant PEA in the sacred chocolate which is why they call this the Sacred Cacao of the Gods.

I eat about 4-6 squares of cacao paste which is stone ground not machine ground and is pure without any additives or fillers. In about 20 minutes my brain and body feel the precious ”Love Molecule” and what a feeling to have this feeling come from food.

Chocolate feeds/stimulates the brain and glands. Do not eat cacao everyday because it is like a drug of love and it doesnt work it you eat it daily because of over stimulation of brain chemicals that make us feel happy or sad… a little loving is good but too much chocolate is not good either.

I eat cacao three times a week especially if I want some higher stimulation of creativity, passion, love or just to have positive feelings that I know is going to make what I do more enjoyable and more fun. Its always nice to be in Love isn’t it?

They say a woman doesn’t need a man if she has the right cacao to make her happy and blissful. Once a man or woman eats this elixir passion does fill the energy fields of your complete being.

Try it and see for yourself. We only sell the Arribba National chocolate at Most people have never had the real chocolate but once you do you know why they have destroyed most of the brain/heart stimulating super-food because it competes with Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil prescription drugs to name a few and other antidepressant drugs. So if you cant get the love from your man then you have REAL CACAOto the rescue.

Experience the deep love that penetrates cacao.

Everything we sell at is wholesale direct through the internet. We have many cacao recipes on the internet so have fun with it. Try to not use a whole lot of sugar with the chocolate and add other superfoods to increase the potency of this superfood.

Learn the ”Terrain Modification Principles” is a must to live healthier in this world that is so dysfunctional and toxic.

Everything in Life is all a ”Work in Progress”.

You are what you ”eat, drink, say, hear and do” so be conscious of that.

En-joy :)) Dr r

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